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02/22/25 - 05:25pm
China Time:
02/23/25 - 06:25am
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joannaOur Story

Several  years ago we decided to adopt a baby girl from China.  We gathered all of our documents to complete our Home Study and Dossier as quick as we could. Our completed packet of information all about us was sent to the CCAA (China Center of Adoptions Affairs) on Christmas Eve 2005.  At the time, the wait was approximately 6 months.  Slowly, the wait crept up on us and we had no idea that it would just about quadruple.  It has been a difficult few years as we patiently waited.  But we knew inside that we had to...

And finally on October 10th, 2008 we saw her picture for the very first time! She is more beautiful than we could have imagined. 

Follow our journey as we fly to the other side of the world to meet our daughter, Joanna Mei Li!